Rep. James Lankford (R., OK) has introduced H.R. 1423, the Taxpayers Right-To-Know Act, whose long title states that it would "provide taxpayers with an annual report disclosing the cost and performance of Government programs and areas of duplication among them, and for other purposes." The official summary notes that it (among other things):
Requires the head of each federal agency, on an annual basis, to: (1) identify and describe every program administered by such agency; (2) determine the total administrative costs and expenditures for services for each program; (3) estimate the number of clients served by each program and the beneficiaries who received assistance under each program; (4) estimate the number of full-time federal and contract employees who administer each program; and (5) identify federal programs with duplicative or overlapping missions, services, and allowable uses of funds.
This bill has recently been reported out of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and has been placed on the House calendar.