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Wednesday, January 8, 2014


In June of 2013 Rep. Gardner (R., CO) introduced the H.R.2279 - Reducing Excessive Deadline Obligations Act of 2013, or the REDO Act. The House is now debating the measure and will vote on it in the coming days. According to a press release on the legislation, the bill does the following: 
Under the Solid Waste Disposal Act (RCRA) and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) there are two unnecessary deadlines that would be eliminated by Gardner’s bill, H.R. 2279. The bill also allows the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to review and revise Solid Waste Disposal Act regulations as appropriate instead of every three years as current law requires. The EPA will also be prohibited from imposing overlapping regulations on states where sufficient levels of protection for solid waste disposal already exist.  
The Obama Administration, however, opposes the legislation, and has threatened a veto. They note that: 
H.R. 2279 would unnecessarily increase the potential for litigation between the Federal government and the States, negatively impacting the timeliness and number of cleanups. Specifically, the bill would expand the waiver of sovereign immunity to all current or former Federal facilities as well as those listed on the National Priorities List, and would require Federal agencies to comply with State-imposed remediation requirements irrespective of land use plans, site ownership, or national funding prioritizations. It also would allow a State to seek injunctive relief, civil penalties, and the imposition of sanctions for "enforcement of any injunctive relief" against the United States. The Administration already works closely with the States to ensure that remedial goals for the protection of public health are met and that the States' preferences and requirements are taken into account.

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